(Display Name not set)July 2009 Archives

Time Machine

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I figured that the Fourth of July was a good day to take the Spitfire out, heat be darned.  I was heading over to some friends to drop off food for a cookout later in the day when the title theme from Back To The Future shuffled up on my iPhone.

(Why do I have the theme from BTTF on my iPhone?  I'll tell you later.)

Anyway, sitting at a light I imagined one of Marty McFly's more famous lines, with a small twist:  "You built a time machine...  out of a Spitfire?"

I pulled off the line and smiled as I realized something - I kinda did.

Worst Case Scenario

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Every year, we get a "family pack" of sparklers, fountains, and other small fireworks to set off in the street on the Fourth of July.  In my hometown this is - strictly speaking - illegal.

(I will now pretend to listen to your lecture about how I shouldn't do this.  Okay, done listening)

This year my son somehow figured out that this activity was illegal.  I assured him that I was handling the fireworks safely and that there was little chance that we would run afoul of the law, considering the rockets and other stuff that are routinely launched in our neighborhood.

Nevertheless, this caused him to fret.

And fret.

And fret.

Of course, this fretting was done quietly, and he kept it to himself.  Until dinner on the 3rd of July, when it all came out in a torrent - he had built up a chain of events in his head that started with me lighting illegal fireworks in the street and (dot dot dot) ended with him and his sister in foster care.

So, I didn't set off any fireworks this year.  I mean, it could happen, right?

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by (Display Name not set) in July 2009.

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