Author (#1)February 2005 Archives


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Life is all about ritual. Rituals set the rhythm and pace for our life.

Mike posted a short video this morning detailing his morning coffee ritual. Somebody commented on that post that an evening cocktail ritual would be more interesting.

Indeed it would be. For your enjoyment I have prepared a short video detailing my evening cocktail ritual. (3.3 MB wmv)

Sadly, I must point out that Mike beat me to it.


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Yesterday we went to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to see a special exhibit on the Arts and Crafts movement.

Katy had been wanting to see the exhibit and we decided it would be a good family outing for the long weekend. Basically, we dragged the kids along Because It's Good For Them/Builds Character.

I'm not sure if I'm surprised but they really seemed to enjoy it.

Cameron really liked the mosaics and some of the furniture. He's been "drawing architecture" (his words) since we got home. Claire's favorite was a hammered silver tea service.

Katy and I both enjoyed seeing the regional differences and various national slants on Arts and Crafts, but it was also very gratifying to see Claire and Cameron appreciate and enjoy it.

100 Days

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I was amazed to find that the 100th day of school is a Big Deal these days - at least with the kindergarten crowd.

The kids hit this impressive milestone a few weeks ago. As part of the festivities each child had to come up with a project that involved 100 of something. Cameron decided to build a structure out of 100 toothpicks, connected with green grapes.

The grapes weren't really good structural elements and so he ended up using gumdrops to connect 100 coffee stirrers:

Tower of Gumdrops

It held up pretty well but we still used a few bamboo skewers to keep it from tiliting over.

Saw something I haven't seen before this morning on the drive in.

A woman eating a bowl of cereal while driving. Yes, that's right. Eating cereal with a spoon from a big bowl.

Madness! Madness!


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I'm not much for posting links gleaned from other people's sites, but in this case I'm making an exception. I think the reader overlap is approximately one so I can probably get away with it.

Questions Frequently Asked About Tivo, Answered by Someone Who Loves Tivo Too Much

It's funny cause it's true.

[Editor's Note - posted via my new 802.11g wireless router. woot!]

Blissfully Unaware

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D&D players will find likely this funny.