Author (#1)July 2006 Archives

Still Saying Funny Things

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The other night Katy gave Cam a kiss before bedtime. He wiped his cheek off, but seeing the look on Katy's face, quickly said "Don't worry, Mom. All the love went in - I'm just wiping off the spit."

Well, okay - if the decade is the 80's. If you are as big a fan of the 80's as I am then you'll enjoy this podcast:

Stuck In The 80's

They've been at it for about a year now but they've barely scratched the surface of 80's goodness out there waiting to be discussed. Swing by and check out a couple of the fifty or so episodes. (If you don't feel like listening to it on the computer, you can find them on iTunes as well.)

For text based 80's news, their weblog is here.

Weird Combo

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I like the Tour de France. I like video games. But I cannot imagine spending more than ten minutes playing this.

It reminds me of a summer job a friend of mine had coding a darts game for the PC. The company had a lot of research that showed that "people really like playing darts!" Sadly, they hadn't asked those people if they wanted to play darts using a keyboard. Alone. It didn't sell.

"Nice Top"

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The other day at work one of the women in the office said to me "I like your top."


Men do not wear "tops." They wear shirts. End of story.

Just A Runner

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It seems Mister P has turned into a bit of an Elitist Triathlon Snob. Rather than limiting myself to snarky posts on his weblog, I've decided to start a separate blog for all my running stuff. Race reports, training progress, and the like will be posted there if you're interested. And even if you aren't.

You can check it out at Just A Runner.