(Display Name not set)August 2009 Archives

I have a Swatch automatic watch that Katy got me for my birthday years ago.

The original band had disintegrated and I finally got around to going by the Swatch store for a replacement.  In the process I think I aged about 15 years.  Here's how the conversation went:

B:  I'd like to get a replacement band for this watch
Store Employee:  WOW!  Is that a plastic case automatic?
B:  Yes, it is.  I've had it for some time
SE:  (grabbing loupe and examining the face) Holy cow!  This is from...  (assuming reverent tone) 1996.
B:  That sounds about right.
SE:  (still reverent) I have never seen one of these.

At this point the manager wanders in.

SE:  Hey, check this out!
Store Manager:  Is that?
SE:  Yeah, a plastic cased automatic!
SM:  (now assuming reverent tones)  Wow.  Wow.  I've heard of these, but never actually seen one.
SM: (to me) Does it still keep time?
B:  Yep, that's why I want a new band for it.

If I hadn't picked out a band and gotten them to work replacing it I think they would have asked me if I found it in a chunk of amber from the tarpits.  I paid for my new watchband with that other ancient means, cash, and wandered back to my prehistoric cave to draw pictures on the walls.

Stupid kids!

Lessons in maintenance

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Yesterday a nice man came by the house and gave us a brief lesson in how dishwashers work.  Here's what we learned:

1.  Dishwashers have a float switch (not unlike a toilet tank) that shuts off the pump to keep them from overflowing.

2.  Something could get stuck under the float switch and cause the dishwasher to not fill at all.

3.  Table knives are very easy to remove, should they get stuck underneath dishwasher float switches.

All this education for the low low price of $50!  Doh!

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