Author (#1)July 2005 Archives

Guest Post

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(Today's guest post courtesy of my sister Anne.)

The following is a list of what I got from the dentist today �


A Cleaning

An Assessment of said X-Rays

A Polishing

A very vigorous flossing

1 Toothbrush � Oral-B Advantage

1 Small tube Toothpaste � Colgate Total Advanced Fresh

2 Oral-B Brush Ups (handy for travel)

1 Coupon for 55 cents off more Oral-B Brush Ups

1 Sample Size Crest Alcohol Free Pro Health Mouth Rinse (not for individual sale)

Oral-B Mint Satin Floss

An appointment in early August to fix the issue discovered during the assessment of the X-Rays

6 Valium

If you looked at the newspaper today you might have noticed a picture of a skinny guy wearing a yellow shirt. Yes, the 2005 Tour de France ended this weekend.

As fate would have it, we had a camping trip planned for the weekend. I groused a little about missing the last few stages of the race but I wasn't really serious about it. My friend Tivo would faithfully record them all for me so that I could peruse them when we got home.

We got home yesterday afternoon and it was pushing 90 degrees inside the house. I turned on the air and got the kids into the shower before turning on the television to scan through Thursday's stage.

I was greeted with a gray screen and a terse message telling me that my Tivo had gotten too hot and shut itself down. Oh. Okay.


Stupid Box! You didn't record the last three stages of the Tour de France! I had to read about Lance's time trial victory in stage 20 on teh Intarweb. I had to record the "extended coverage" of the last stage, so instead of listening to the live broadcast, with intelligent commentary from Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin, I had to suffer through three hours of Al Trautwig and Bob "Tour Day France" Roll. Stupid Box!

Book Six

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If you've been sleeping under a rock, book six of the Harry Potter series is out.

I finished it this afternoon, thanks to my niece, who had her 6th birthday party today. Katy and the kids went, leaving me at home alone to read.

My reaction? It's better than book five - none of the overdone teen angst in this one. A great mix of story lines. Ms. Rowling has outdone herself.

Wow. Just wow. What a finish. Unbelieveable.

In related news, there was a 12:01 release party for the book in my neighborhood. At Ralphs. Which is not a book store, but a grocery store! Ogh, and they were selling it for the same price I paid Amazon. I think that officially makes Harry Potter a Phenomenon.