Author (#1)June 2004 Archives

There are at least four entries that have been rattling around in my head of late.

I'm afraid, however, that you're just going to have to wait for them. I'm going out of town and rest assured I won't be spending any time on this little corner of the Internet.

Don't bother checking back until sometime next week, that's what I say.

As I type this, the kids are outside playing with their new homemade catapult.

Fire 1!

Fire 2!

Katy and Cameron started building it yesterday, and I helped finish it up today. There's nothing that can throw a wet sponge square farther than a homemade catapult.

The Happy Catapult Crew Chief

Good luck storming the castle!

Of course, this inspired me to build a larger model trebuchet. It needs work though.

Ok, it's not exactly a flamewar. But it's as close as I've ever seen here at the Things.

I was going to post this in the comments to my "I've got a Gmail account" entry below but I thought I'd put it here and let the "Gmail Sux/Rox: discuss" conversations flow into this entry's comments:


Today I took a look at the information you're required to supply before Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail will give you an email account:


* First Name
* Last Name
* Zip code
* Gender
* Industry
* Job Title
* Specialization
* Birth Date
[] Send me special offers from selected Yahoo! partners (checked by default)


* First Name
* Last Name
* Language
* Country
* State
* Zip Code
* Time Zone
* Gender
* Birth Date
* Occupation
[] which of 40 newsletters you want to receive in your inbox
[] which of 55 topics interst you, so that 'featured offers' from Hotmail partners can be delivered into your inbox


* First Name
* Last


Shout Out

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Today's first shout-out goes to my "baby" sister Meg, who has just started her own weblog at Meg In The City. Swing by and offer her some encouragement!

The second shout-out goes to Randy, who hooked me up with a Gmail account. Yes, it is cool. Yes, you are jealous.