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100 Days

I was amazed to find that the 100th day of school is a Big Deal these days - at least with the kindergarten crowd.

The kids hit this impressive milestone a few weeks ago. As part of the festivities each child had to come up with a project that involved 100 of something. Cameron decided to build a structure out of 100 toothpicks, connected with green grapes.

The grapes weren't really good structural elements and so he ended up using gumdrops to connect 100 coffee stirrers:

Tower of Gumdrops

It held up pretty well but we still used a few bamboo skewers to keep it from tiliting over.


100 days of school is a big deal out here in Texas too. Adam had to gather 100 of his favorite things in a bag. I like Cameron's project. Architecture and engineering looks to be his prowess, is that a surprise?

I went to Aaron's school for his 100th day (in the big city of Sayre, OK). They had all kinds of special activities that day.

Towards the end of the day I read a book to the class about the 100th day (must be some kind of nation-wide thing, since they're even publishing kids books on it).

Then he read a book to the class. He really enjoys showing off his reading prowess to his Kindergarten classmates. (and I don't mind bragging about it).

I only count 97. Cheater.

Mister P,

Always going for the cheap shot. When are you going to elevate your game?

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