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There's Something You Don't See Every Day

Saw something I haven't seen before this morning on the drive in.

A woman eating a bowl of cereal while driving. Yes, that's right. Eating cereal with a spoon from a big bowl.

Madness! Madness!


What kind of cereal?

I've actually seen that a couple of times since I've live here in the Big D area.

Hmmm... as long as their pushing for a law to ban using your cell phone in your car, maybe they should tack on eating cereal too.

While I was still living in LA I once I saw a guy "driving" the car next to me and playing a banjo at the same time. At least his eyes were on the road.

my sis tami used to drive to UCI with a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in one hand, the other on the wheel. AND she drove a stick shift. ask her.

Actually, I believe it is technically illegal (and has been for a long time) to eat while driving a car in TX. I have eaten lots of things while driving myself though, and I would venture to guess that includes a big bowl of cereal. Used to be able to change clothes while driving...sure can't remember how I managed it though.

I see women all the time who are farding while they drive.

No, I didn't misspell it.

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