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Saturday was Katy's birthday. I did my best to spoil her but I somehow feel like I didn't quite get the job done. I present you this list of pros and cons and await your judgement:

Pro: I left work early on Friday to start the celebrating!
Con: But I got home at the normal time.
Pro: Because I was out buying lots of gifts and cards and wrapping paper!
Con: Which I could have purchased long ago, it's not like her birthday moves around a lot.
Pro: On Saturday I showered her with gifts and made her french toast!
Con: The gifts from the kids - gardening clogs and earrings - were purchased later on Saturday morning.
Pro: But I took the kids with me and gave her some time alone!
Con: And then made her feed the kids lunch and put them down for a nap while I mowed the lawn.
Pro: Saturday night we had a sitter and went out to dinner!
Con: Katy had to arrange the sitter and made dinner reservations herself.
Pro: I baked her a birthday cake!
Con: On Sunday, the day after her birthday.
Double-Con: Which she frosted and decorated with the kids on Sunday afternoon.
Extenuating circumstance: While I was out helping a friend who is facing a particularly hard time right now.
Extenuating circumstance, part two: Which Katy acknowledges was the right thing to do.

So what do you think?

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Richard said:

The thoughts of a complete stranger who's only read your one posting!

How long you been married?
Did anyone tell you it wouldn't last?
Seriously, sounds like you got a great
thing going there but what you haven't
said is what Katy thought.
Reading between
the lines I think she had a great birthday weekend.

gesikah said:

Sounds like she is pretty lucky for me. As hokie as it sounds it really is the thought that counts.

Like for my last birthday my husband got together with my friends while he was at work (he even sent them a copy of my Amazon wishlist) and then surprised me on my birthday with supper at my favorite Asian restuarant with our friends. I even got presents from everybody AND a birthday cake homemade by one of them. I haven't had such a good birthday in years. :-)

Dino said:

You should try giving her a sugar scrub.


Seriously, all things considered (including knowing what a great gal Katy is) you're ok.

Brad said:

The fact that she had to frost her own birthday cake was the (wait for it) icing on the cake.

Otherwise I think I did ok.

Joel said:

A marriage is all about teamwork.

And besides, it's not the occasional phenomenal birthday celebration that Katy loves you for. It's the little things you do and say day after day.

Besides, I bet she had fun decorating her cake WITH her kids and that it will be a memory she'll cherish forever.

I think you did great.

But having said that...
I've never made Mauri ice her own cake.

Brad said:


It's clear to me that you've never been in the same room with two four-year-olds and a tub of frosting.

Replace "a memory she'll cherish forever" with "walls the color of frosting" and you're getting closer!

Joel said:

Sounds like fun to me!

But then, I didn't have to clean up the mess.

mrs diggs said:

You did well. Birthdays get progressively less fun as we (women) get older, so any effort is a good effort. At least you didn't get sick on her birthday as I did for my husband's, forcing him to take three kids to a McDonald's playplace by himself.

we like that you bought lots of presents, not just one, that's a good sign. did you get her any toy furry mice and raw chicken? (those are our favourites).

you realized her birthday doesn't move around...that's clever thinking, we like that in a human.

what kind of cake? zuli loves coconut?

happy birthday to kate (late, but we didn't know it was her birthday until today, even if it doesn't move around).

soft paws and purrs,

zuli and jellybean

JosiahQ said:

You're a good guy. I hope I'm as good a husband you are someday (as in, I get married in 17 days).

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