The part where Brad rants

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Saturday night we had reservations for dinner at 8 PM. The restaurant is new, but not brand new - they've been open for at least a month. When Katy made the reservation they were medium-persnickety about the whole thing: "Make sure your entire party is there a little early. Bring this eight-digit confirmation number with you." Okay, fine, we'll play along.

When we approached the podium (entire party in tow) at 7:50, we overheard that they were still seating people who held 7:00 reservations. But, "We think we can seat you in twenty minutes or so."

Twenty minutes came and went. When we asked how much longer they thought it would be we got the same answer. "We think we can seat you in twenty minutes or so."

What a crock. Why do restaurants overbook their reservations like that? What's the point of offering reservations when having a reservation means you get to wait an hour and a half for a table? What kind of fool is willing to wait for that long for a table when they have a reservation?

Just what is up with that?

We took our business elsewhere.

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Kris said:

Good for you.. Now a letter to the management might get you a free dinner there... and give them a chance to redeem themselves, if you feel you even want to give them that chance... Or maybe I'm way off and things aren't done that way in So-Cal... :-)

Joel said:

That's one thing I really like about Disney's theme parks. They are at least straight with you about it:

They don't take normal "reservations", they give you a "priority seating" reservation. You may not get seated at the time of your reservation but you get "priority" for being "seated" over walk-ups.

Me said:

Maybe you should try Tuesdays

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