Pâté en croûte de fromage d'hamburger

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It was getting late this afternoon. Time to make dinner.

I volunteered to cook, but we couldn't come up with anything to make. Then Katy saw the box of Bisquick.

"What's this Impossible Cheeseburger Pie recipe? Looks like we've got all the ingredients for it..."

Not a lot of other options were presenting themselves, so I whipped some up - brown some hamburger and onions, grate a little cheese, mix up the Bisquick and pour it all together in a pie plate, voila! Katy and I both liked it - heck, what's not to like? More importantly, the kids scarfed it up.

Haute cuisine? I think not. However, I'll be looking to the Bisquick box for cooking tips in the future.

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Me said:

I like Trader Joe's mix... no hydrogenated oils in that box I tell you.

Travis said:

I tried to use Bisquick as a substitute for flour last Thanksgiving because we were out. The gravy came out more like dip.

Brad said:

Travis -

Remember, Bisquick has shortening and baking powder in it.

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