Electronic Crack

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What I am about to say will cement my reputation as a geek. That's ok, I'm comfortable with it.

Neverwinter Nights is crack.

It is some good stuff. This computer game is not "like" Dungeons and Dragons. It IS Dungeons and Dragons. And I have merely experienced the single-player mode.

If Katy were not around to protect me from myself I would likely be driving down to Mexico to get some of this so I could play for days at a time.

If you ever enjoyed a little RPGing you owe it to yourself to get this game. It has turned my computer into a way-back machine - once again I find myself having conversations with people about their "elven ranger with a 20 dexterity" and making lame jokes about missing saving throws. It's like being 15 again - this time without the acne and transportation issues.

Now if you'll excuse me I have some other things to take care of on my computer, before Katy gets home from the store...

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Michael said:

Muah-ha-ha-ha! You are trapped. Wait until you play with other people online....

Yoshi said:

Brad is 1 or 2 Lag Deaths away from DSL...


Travis said:

Multiplayer is great because of the DM ability. No more selecting dialogue, just ask the barkeep where the guy is you're supposed to kill.

mom said:

The magnetic pull of this is strong. Maybe I should mention it to Katy.

Brad said:

Don't worry, she's fully aware of the situation. All too aware...

Kris said:

Multiplayer makes any game, whether it be an RPG or an FPS, much more fun...

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