More Grasshopper Than Ant

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Well, it's Sunday night, and I've had a great weekend.

I'm betting you're familiar with the fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant. (If not, get thee to Google and look it up.) Katy and I tend to be more ant than grasshopper on the weekends - it's all about getting things done around the house. But this weekend was a little different - because Katy's folks had Claire and Cameron from Friday afternoon until today around noon.


It may be hard for some of you to understand what a decadent pleasure it was to have the house to ourselves for two evenings, two mornings, and one whole day. It's been three and a half years since we could sprawl out with the paper, or watch Bugs Bunny cartoons uninterrupted, or complete a conversation consisting of more than two sentences. I actually got up early this morning so I could spend more quality time loafing around.

I could give you the blow-by-blow for the weekend but suffice to say it was Very Relaxing. We did do some "grownup" things, like visiting the Norton Simon museum (You may not realize it, but you've seen it - it's in the background of many a Rose Bowl broadcast.) But we also did a lot of just hanging around the house - listening to music, having cocktails, and sinking deeper into the couch than we've been allowed to in a very long time.

Okay, next...

I am weak. [I welcome your punchline here.]

I was prepared to wait until November to purchase the special edition of The Fellowship of the Ring on DVD - the version with additional footage. I steeled myself against the flurry of advertisements. I told myself how much better the special features would be on the second one. I reminded myself that I was being played for a fool if I bought two versions of the same movie within three months - those greedy bastards.

But on Wednesday morning I saw the Fry's ad on the back of the sports page. Why, look - The Fellowship of the Ring, on DVD, widescreen or brain-impaired (or whatever they call the version for people who don't want to see the whole picture), only $15.99! Special this week! Wow, I say. $16 is not much. But wait! Remember all that blather from last paragraph! No! I Shall Not Purchase!

That evening, I mention my strength to Katy. She says, "Brad, it's only $16!"

She's right. Hmm. My resolve begins to weaken. Maybe I'll buy it.

Then Friday, one of my coworkers has his copy in the office. I rig up a DVD player so we can watch a little bit. My resolve vanishes like [warning - token Tolkien reference approaching] Bilbo from his birthday party. I plan my drive home so I can stop by Fry's, and if they don't have it, then by Best Buy. Anyway, as I'm driving into the parking lot of Fry's I'm thinking, how can they sell this at $10 below retail and make any money? Well, they aren't probably making much, it's a loss leader, right? Just to get people in the store. Well, I'll show them and just buy the DVD. Ha ha! I stride purposefully in to the store and seek out my DVD.

After I find my DVD I walk past an aisle of stereo gear, including turntables. (I was a little surprised that they sell new turntables at Fry's. Anyway.) Hmm, I do need a new cartridge. What do you know - they have replacements for 20 bucks! Perfect! Now I can listen to all my crummy old records again!

It's not until I'm standing in the parking lot, unlocking my car, that I realize that I have been Suckered by The Man. Curses!

Oh well. The DVD does look really good. And it's nice to have a functioning turntable once again.

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