Sobriety Test

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Back when I was a poor college student, we would often drink Lucky Lager. The price was its primary redeeming quality. It came in 12-packs of 11oz bottles. That's not a typo - 11oz bottles. (No wonder it was cheap, they were basically selling you eleven beers in twelve bottles.) Anyway, each Lucky Lager had a rebus (those little picture puzzles) on the back of the bottle cap. We would joke that Lucky Lager came with its own built-in sobriety test - if you couldn't solve the (typically lame) rebus you were too drunk to drive.

Well, times have changed, and Katy and I finally came up with a test that is more relevant to our life. Do you remember Dr. Seuss' "Fox In Socks?" Here's an excerpt:

Who sews crow's clothes?
Sue sews crow's clothes.
Slow Joe Crow
sews whose clothes?
Sue's clothes.

Sue sews socks of
fox in socks now.
Slow Joe Crow sews
Knox in box now.

Sue sews rose
on Slow Joe Crow's clothes.
Fox sews hose
on Slow Joe Crow's nose

Hose goes.
Rose grows.
Nose hose goes some.
Crow's rose grows some.

The whole thing is like that. It's crazy fun, I tell you. We have declared "Fox In Socks" the new Flying W Household Sobriety Test.

On to something else. The following is a partial transcript of a conversation I had with Cameron last night. (Some background - Cameron was with me last weekend on my pre-party beer run. He wanted me to buy a six-pack of stout - he called it "black beer." I told him that was more of a cold-weather beer.)

C: Why aren't you drinking the black beer Daddy?
B: Because I didn't buy any, remember?
C: But when it's colder you can buy the black beer, right?
B: That's right, it would be better when it's cold.
C: In the winter when it's cold you can drink the black beer. But it doesn't snow here.

I can't decide whether I should be pleased or mortified by all this. Good grief, he's three!

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