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Last night I was up late transferring my beer from primary fermentation (a big plastic bucket) to secondary fermentation (a big glass carboy - think the big five-gallon jug of water for a water cooler). It takes a while to sanitize the carboy and siphoning gear and then transfer the beer so I had the TV on.

Blade Runner was just starting on USA network as I started. It's been a long time since I saw the movie and I'm sure USA cut the heck out of it but I found myself getting sucked in. Around 11:30 I managed to turn it off at a commercial break and get to bed.

The thing that struck me is that the setting is still believable. So many movies based in the future look really dorky after 10 or 15 years. It's hard to believe that Los Angeles is going to look like that in fifteen or so years - the timeframe for the movie - but it's not hard to picture a future that does look like that.

I guess I'm saying that Ridley Scott's vision seems to hold up, just not his time sense. Maybe that just means that the story he tells is broad enough that we relate to it apart from its setting. Or perhaps the setting - mainly seedy - is familiar enough to be easily believed.

Ok, enough of that. Goodnight.

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