Karma Preview

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Last weekend Mister P completed the New York City Triathlon. The finish of the swim leg sounded truly disgusting:

"The finish was, by far, the most disgusting swim I have ever done. The water was so shallow that your hands scraped a thick layer of muck. But the muck was so deep that you couldn't stand up in it. The water was pitch black from all the dirt / oil / decomposing bodies, and you just sort of had to plow your face through it. People who did not run through the hose at the exit arrived in the transition area with black grimy faces. Gross."

I was going to post a comment along the lines of "I never have to deal with oily sewage water - but then I'm 'just a runner'."

On Tuesday morning I was out when some sprinklers turned on along the hillside where I was running. One of them was way way out of alignment and hit me full force in the face and chest. It startled me enough that I didn't think to step out of the way, and it was on me for several seconds. As it drenched me from the waist up, all I could think of was "do they use reclaimed water along here?"

For those who don't know, reclaimed water is "treated sewage water" that is suitable for irrigation but not for consumption. You can use it to water food crops if they are boiled before eating. Aaagh! Blech! Yuck!

I hurried home in full gross-out mode and got in the shower. I normally take a cool shower after a run but Tuesday it was as hot as I could stand it. I had the heebie jeebies big time.

This morning I ran along that same route and checked for the tell-tale lavender fixtures that indicate reclaimed water usage. It was all "potable green." Still, I won't be posting that comment on Neoprene Wedgie - that just wouldn't be nice.

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