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So Proud

The other day I was in the car with the kids. We saw a boat on a trailer and they started talking about having a boat. The conversation went something like this:

K1: I want a boat with a glass bottom. Then you could see stuff swimming by.
K2: My friend told me he went on a ride in a boat like that. He said he saw a shark and a giant squid.
K1: Wow, cool!

At this point I was tempted to point out that it was unlikely that they really saw a giant squid as they tend to stay pretty deep, movie adaptations of "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" aside, but I kept my mouth shut.

K2: Hey wait a minute - I read that giant squid swim deep in the ocean.
K1: Yeah, I remember that too.
K2: I bet they didn't really see a giant squid.

My little skeptics! I'm so proud...