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I Am Not The Only One

Everybody misuses the phrase "begging the question" these days. I know I'm being pedantic but this sort of thing makes me crazy.

Usage is sometimes difficult to explain but this comic sums up both the correct usage and my feelings:

Oh and while I've got you - these Dinosaur Comics are hilarious. Hilarious I Say!

UPDATE: Want to know more about "begging the question?" Look here.


I don't get his explanation at all. What does an unproven assumption have to do with begging, and where is the question?

OMG! My daughter is totally a dinosaur comics fan.

But I still don't understand what the big deal is.

I'm glad someone else cringes when they hear that phrase being misused. It's usually done by the same people who talk about "perusing" when they really mean, "skim."

Now if only the dinosaurs would shed some light on the phrase, "Like soup to nuts."


You mean like "I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some perusing milk?"

Yeah, that bugs me too.

It's not apPLICable...

Try and remember way back...

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