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Wild Kingdom

This week we discovered a hummingbird nest at our house:

If you are having trouble with scale here, the nest is little more than two inches across. I do apologize for the slight blurriness of this picture. I was in a hurry, and the mother bird was hassling me no end.

Why was she hassling me, you ask? Why, because the nest happens to have two eggs in it:

Hardly enough for an omelette, eh? More like tic-tacs than eggs.

Seriously, I think this is pretty cool. So do the kids. I'll keep you posted on the progress of our little tenants - apparently the eggs will likely hatch in a couple weeks.

In other news, the train business is going well thus far. The other night I ran into a couple guys from work on the train - they pointed out a few of the more interesting characters in our car that night, including Getting Married Girl, Sleep Apnea Man, and Guy Who Always Has His Tunes On And Tells People That He Knocked Some Girl Up.

Sure enough, within a couple minutes Getting Married Girl was talking (fairly loudly) about her impending nuptuals. Sadly, Sleep Apnea Man did not nod off - I wanted to hear just how loud he snores. I suppose I'll get my chance.



My parent's get birds under their carport every year. Every year my dad threatens to dump the nest when the mommy- and daddy-birds are out, because every year it fell to him to clean up the enormous mess they would leave behind AND to protect us the the dive-bombing parent-birds everytime we had to get in the car. Of course, we would all cry for him not to, so he never has. Truthfully, I dont' think he would anyway, he's an old softy. :-)

WOW, ramble much?

What is the nest made of? It looks like
flower petals.
Did you say that it is in a potato tree? Hmm.


When I was a kid we would hang rubber snakes to keep birds from nesting in our patio cover.


The nest itself seems to be mainly dryer lint from what I can see. And the plant is a Blue Potato Bush, trimmed into a standard.

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