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Ok, so everybody seems to want photos of Katy. Give the people what they want, that's what I say. Here you go:

The three attractive members of the family...

This picture is around 18 months old. The matching shirt and dress Cameron and Claire are wearing are courtesy of Katy's folks, who were kind enough to take us all to Hawaii two years ago. Oh, the rigors of travel...

I welcome you to take up any other matters directly with Katy. She can be reached at katy at flyingw dot org. Bonne chance!

[French usage corrected on February 24th. Thanks Yves!]


Mr. Willams,

Not one to try to correct your "second language", but...

It should be "Bonne chance"



Consider it fixed, Mr. Schanck.

Interesting that chance, or luck, is considered female. "Luck be a lady tonight..."

If I recall correctly, a voyage is male, as in bon voyage.

Silly French.

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