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Well, we're back to the IVWNet web address for the time being. Turns out Binary Blocks' too-good-to-be-true web hosting deal was, well, you figure it out. Apparently, if you only charge $25/year for web hosting, you end up three or four months behind on your bills. Then the people who run your servers get sick of you and pull the plug.

So, for the time being www.flyingw.org will once again forward to my ISP-provided web space. Meanwhile, I'll be trying to get my money back* and looking for a new hosting provider. (Any input on the latter is welcome. Heck, input on the former is welcome too.)

*Yes, I realize it's not likely. But it's worth a shot.


If you're reading this, then the DNS changes have propagated through the Internet and you are at the new home of flyingw.org. I'm now hosted by Mike's Beverage-Based Barter Hosting Services. He hosts me, I give him beer. It's not a bad system, really.