Monty Python

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If you ever even chuckled at a Monty Python sketch you owe it to yourself to check out the new Monty Python specials airing on PBS. The series has six one-hour episodes, each focusing on one of the six original Python members.

I watched the Eric Idle episode tonight. It had stuff from the television show, stuff from the Hollywood Bowl video, and some stuff I'd never seen before. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

"Your wife - does she go?"

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Joel said:

I second that!

I just happen to be flipping channels in our bedroom the other night ("wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more") and hit on the John Cleese episode.

I think I busted a gut.

(Of course I immediately went into our main TV and set TiVo to record all the episodes.)

My wife didn't seem as amused... although I did hear her let out a short, quiet laugh at one point during the "Upperclass Twit of the Year" sketch. But she didn't even chuckle at the "Gumby brain surgery" sketch. Ah, well; some people just don't get cerebral humor.

"NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

Kris said:

Bravo, chaps... I hadn't heard about the new docus.

Got a 6 DVD set of MP. They're packed full of good stuff.

Should go ahead and get the rest.

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