XX Winter Olympiad

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I Love the Winter Olympics. Love Them!

I was very excited to watch the opening ceremonies tonight. I read something today that really resonated with me - ninety percent of the athletes marching know they have no realistic chance at a medal. The opening ceremonies are really what it's all about for those people. I enjoyed watching the March of Nations and seeing all the faces, people smiling, laughing, and recording the whole proceedings on camcorders. (Hell, if I was in the Olympics, I'd hire a freakin' camera crew to follow me around and document the whole thing. Every fifteen seconds I'd be asking them to pinch me.)

I can't really explain what it is about the Olympics - in particular the winter version - that gets to me, but it does. I'm not Italian. I've never been to Italy. I might be able to pick out their flag from a lineup. But have a ten year old Italian girl stand in the middle of an arena during the opening ceremonies, and have her sing the Italian national anthem (which I've never heard before) and I'm reduced to a puddle of mush.

These opening ceremonies have been long on the goofy - marching band style drills and a soundtrack heavy on classic disco - but the goofy is what is making them great to watch. Bring on the Games!

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