The Crossword Killer

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Have you heard of Sudoku? It's great!

Sudoku is a number puzzle in a 9 by 9 grid divided into nine 3 by 3 boxes. Each row, column, and 3 by 3 box contains the digits 1-9 exactly once. The LA Times started publishing it alongside the crossword puzzle this summer and about a month ago I got hooked on it.

I like it for a couple reasons: First, you need no arcane and/or trivial knowledge to complete it. Crossword puzzles require vocabulary and the ability to unravel obtuse hints, Sudoku requires you to be able to count to nine. Second, you can finish them fairly quickly. I can almost always complete the one in the paper during my train ride. Third, they Will Yield. If you get stuck you can always apply the Hammer of Brute Force to them and eventually tease out the answers.

For more information - and a new puzzle every day - look here.

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Kelli said:

I am totally addicted to these puzzles. Thanks for the daily link. Of course, I still screw up when the puzzles are rates three stars or higher. The Register is starting to increase the intensity so Monday's a one star puzzle, ending on Friday with a five star puzzle. They are so much fun and I look forward to them each day. I copy some for Jacob to try and then we compare our answers.

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