Strangeness on a Train

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This morning I got on the train and sat down next to a woman perusing a catalog. Not all that unusual, really.

Then she gets out her cell phone and proceeds to place an order. On the train. After requesting the items she wanted - some clothes, I believe, because there was a fairly lengthy discussion about whether "small" was equivalent to a size 6 - she got to end of the transaction. I was amazed to listen as she read off her credit card number and gave her name and home address. Out loud. On public transportation.

I do not understand people sometimes.

While I've got you - what is up with The Da Vinci Code? I thought that by now all interested parties would have read it, but that thinking is apparently wrong. Today I saw two people reading it on the train.

[UPDATE: The Da Vinci Code is currently number 3 on the New York Times' Hardcover Fiction Bestseller list, and has been on the list for 124 weeks. Don't spend it all in one place, Mr. Brown.]

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Meg said:

I haven't read it...yet

Randy said:

I will be reading it next after I finish Half-Blood Prince.

Kelli said:

I have read it more than once, so maybe the folks were re-reading it! It is still like number five on the best seller list. I can't wait for the movie. I will add that Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" is better!

Kris said:

As long as you understand it's a work of fiction. A lot of folks seem to think that stuff really happened.

I saw this video and it was enough to convince me not to bother...

"The Real Da Vinci Code"

Brad said:

It's fiction, yes, but that doesn't mean it's a bad story.

If you like mysteries then you'll probably enjoy this. It's fast-paced and fun to read. Who cares if it's real/true? I generally read to be entertained, and this fit the bill quite nicely.

sam's mama said:

just this week at the econo lube n tune, a woman called up her credit card company to activate her new credit card - you know, where you have to either say or punnch in your entire cc number ... yes, she read it off out loud, on a cell phone, in the waiting room.

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