15 Minutes (Or More)

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There aren't many bands that can draw me to a big arena show any more.

U2 is one of them. As I type I am hoping to get through Ticketmaster's TCP/IP ticket barricade to pick up a pair of tickets for Katy and me. I'm not hopeful. Ticketmaster's web site has telling me "Your wait time is approximately 15 minutes or more" for some time now. Tickets have now been on sale for 30 minutes, and I used up an awful lot of my U2 ticket karma on the 1992 Zooropa tour.

When they did phone sales only for the Sports Arena shows, I got through in the first five minutes and scored 16th row seats. (That concert was like a religious experience, I'm telling you.) When they came back through town and played Dodger Stadium on Halloween, I called two days before the show and picked up a pair of loge tickets that had been returned to the hopper for one reason or another.

I was going to make some observations about buying concert tickets in the pre-internet era, but I decided that was just going to make me sound old and crotchety. Does anybody camp out overnight for tickets anymore?

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Kris said:

There's some dude already in line for Star Wars Episode 3 tickets.

The last concert I attended was Elton John - back in 97 (or was it 98?). It will probably be the last.

Yes, I admit I'm old and crotchety.

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