Minor League Baseball Fashion

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This summer I decided I needed some new t-shirts. Let's face it, my t-shirt collection - such as it is - consisted mainly of free shirts from various vendors, trade shows, and employers. It needed a little elevation.

As a baseball fan, I decided to look for cool minor league team logos. Sadly, there weren't many well-executed logos to choose from. Most minor league team logos look like they were designed by a committee of sixth graders intent on using every color in their box of 64 crayons.

There were some exceptions, however. My favorites is the Montgomery Biscuits:

This is a great goofy team name with a good logo - team name, mascot, no clutter. And his tongue is a pat of butter! How great is that? Of course I bought the shirt.

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Kris said:

I've always wanted one of those Banana Slug shirts that Travolta wore in Pulp Fiction.

UC Santa Cruz or somesuch...

Jeff said:

I picked up an Albuquerque Isotopes hat this summer. Cool logo and name. In my pre-CIL years my fantasy baseball team was the San Onofre Isotopes. Too bad I didn't copyright the name back then.

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