The Lone Gunwoman Theory

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The other day on Fark there was a comment thread where people named their favorite song they were ashamed to admit they liked.

Here's one of mine: Barry Manilow's "Copacabana." And since this is my blog, what better place to put forth my personal theory on Just Who Shot Who?

Possible suspects are Lola (showgirl), Tony (barkeep), and Rico (diamond-wearer). Allow me a quick recap: Rico was escorted to his chair, and he saw Lola dancing there. When she finished, he called her over. But Rico went a bit too far and Tony sailed across the bar. And then the punches flew - and chairs were smashed in two. There was blood - and a single gunshot. But just who shot who?

Here's my theory about that gunshot. Lola sees the boys fighting, goes to the bar and gets the Peacekeeper kept under the counter. She aims at Rico and squeezes off a round but in all the commotion Tony gets between them, taking the bullet right between the shoulder blades. Tony dies, Rico walks, Lola gets off on a voluntary manslaughter charge when the jury hangs and gets down to the business of drinking herself half blind.

There you have it.

Oh, and another favorite - John Denver's "Annie's Song." No theories on that one though.

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RichS said:

"Listen People" by Herman's Hermits. I'm so ashamed ...

Any time I hear it, it takes 3 Tom Waits CDs to recover my grim outlook on life and human nature.

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