Weekend Sans Children

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The kids have been gone since Thursday afternoon and I must admit I am beginning to miss them. It has been a really nice break, though. Here's the weekend rundown:


Friday night I took Katy on A Date. We saw "Love Actually," which was actually quite enjoyable - a good solid date movie with lots of funny stuff. Some serious stuff too, but more funny stuff. Then off to dinner at Twin Palms, which was one of our favorite places back in the pre-kid days. It was all very grown-up, I assure you.


Saturday we went to Disneyland. Yes, we went to The Happiest Place without our kids. We swore Katy's folks to secrecy - I can't imagine how mad they would be that we went without them. It was great fun to ride things the kids won't go on - in this case, Haunted Mansion, Indiana Jones, Pirates o' the Caribbean, the Matterhorn, and Star Tours.

More importantly, we were able to take a break to fortify ourselves with Adult Beverages in Downtown Disney. If you ever need such a break I can highly recommend the Hearthstone Lounge at The Grand Californian: Great ambiance, nice comfy chairs, good drinks, very tasty cheesy cracker thingies, and top-notch Disney service made for a very relaxing break and gave us the courage to return to the park.


Sunday morning we loafed around and read the paper. I spent the afternoon brewing another batch of beer. Katy wanted me to make a batch of Dean's bock but I don't have the setup to lager, so I decided to make another batch of steam beer. It's looking a little darker than I wanted, but I'll adjust the recipe next time around.

Anyway, I had a pleasant brewing session accompanied by some John Coltrane, a good cigar, and a bottle of beer from my last batch. Very relaxing.

Sunday Night Buzz Kill

After a great weekend I was looking forward to happy hour with Katy. I was in the midst of cleaning up my brewing stuff when the Buzz Kill arrived - I went under the sink to get some scouring powder and found a big puddle of water. Sigh. Plumbing problems.

I spent about an hour cleaning up the mess and fixing the leak. I was lucky that I didn't have to run out to the hardware store, but still - what a pain in the butt.

Even with that, though, it was a really great weekend and a nice break for Katy and I. We're lucky to have her folks around, and even luckier that they are willing to take them for extended trips like that.

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Kris said:

A wife that likes beer... You are a lucky man...

mom said:

That sounds like a vacation for you
and Katy, but I'll bet the Rupert's
had even more fun than you did with
Claire and Cam.

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