Fun Things To Do In Oklahoma

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This will be a short list. [rimshot]

Seriously, we had a good time in Oklahoma. We took a trip to the Omniplex one day to see a touring Monster Truck exhibit - it turned out that my friend Jeff's company did the exhibit and he arranged some passes for us - thanks Jeff and Anne!

I used to go to the Omniplex as a kid. On one trip my friends and I spent most of the time messing around with the "talking" computer - we spent hours making it say "ah-sss-hollllll-eh" and "sun uf beeee-ch." Ah, good times.

Walking around the place, I recognized many of the science exhibits from my visits 20 years ago - the difference being, they worked back then. The place needs a little TLC to restore it to it's former glory.

That aside, Claire and Cameron both enjoyed the Monster Truck exhibit, although Claire thought the preshow was a bit loud. Otherwise everybody had a good time, and I managed to keep the damages in the "have to walk through it to get out" gift shop to a minimum.

We also spent a day in Duncan with my high school friend Dean and his family. Dean homebrews. Dean has his own keg setup. Dean has lots of clean glasses. I didn't want to leave Dean's house.

On top of the excellent beer, we had a great visit. The younger kids all played well together, and Dean's teenage kids were polite to us old folks. Katy and I marveled at their enormous house and gargantuan back yard. Cameron wanted to know why they didn't have any stairs. He hasn't seen a lot of one-story houses.

We also got in a trip to Sonic, but Braum's will have to wait until next time.

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Kris said:

Oh, now I get it... ;-)

Brad said:

Man's got to have his priorities, don'tcha know...

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