Summer Reading List

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I'm back in my reading groove.

This week I went and got myself a Library Card, and I'm not afraid to use it. I checked out Salinger's Catcher in the Rye and Asimov's Foundation, mainly because I hadn't read either of them.

I plowed through Catcher in a couple days - I suppose I can see why it's a popular appointee to banned book lists. What's the big fuss, anyway? Perhaps some of my more literary readers can explain what the particular genius of this work is.

I was thinking about reading a bunch of banned classics this summer but I'm having trouble coming up with much. Lord of the Flies is next, but then I've kind of run into a roadblock. Most lists of banned books I have found online have lots of stuff I've already read - the Harry Potter series, Huck Finn, To Kill A Mockingbird - mixed in with nonfiction titles like "Talking to Your Son and/or Daughter About, Well, You Know..." Not the kind of stuff you read for pleasure.

I also want to catch up on my "classic" science fiction - thus the Asimov. I'm enjoying Foundation so far - it's not at all what I expected.

Anyway, help me out and make a book suggestion in the comments, okay?

[Do NOT suggest Jordan's Wheel of Time series, thankyouverymuch. He's already exceeded his adjective limit for the decade.]

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weezee said:

Romp through Heinlein's teen sf lots o fun

Kris said:

I'm still amazed that you have time to read at all.. maybe with two kids (instead of one) they keep each other busy and stay out of your hair...

Brad said:

Kris, I've got almost two hours a day to read when I take the train. That's the secret - having that time has really cranked my reading up into overdrive.

megreads said:

I'm struggling my way through WOT #10...I keep reading though, because I'm ready for some closure!

Brad said:

Hope you're ready to wait another few books. It seems that Jordan isn't ready to part with that particular cash cow just yet.

kelli llewellyn said:

Did you ever finish reading the Lance Armstrong book? I really enjoyed all of it. I almost felt ready to ride the Tour myself! Go Lance!

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