Sportswriter Makeover

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Rob Neyer is one of my favorite baseball writers. The picture on the left is his old picture, the one on the right is the new one.

The old picture is very much in the "pasty baseball statistics geek" mode, whereas the new one seems more of a "square-jawed rugged guy" shot. I don't think it's a coincidence that ESPN put up the new picture about the same time that they started featuring Mr. Neyer's picture on the front page of their baseball site.

If you read Rob's column, you will realize that he actually is a baseball stats geek. My question: Will the new shot give him more cred with the non-sabrematician baseball fans?

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Kris said:

He's looks better in plaid... and dead men don't wear it...(sorry, I couldn't help myself)

RichS said:

Does anyone else detect a bit of Jack Nicholson "Joker Jaw" in the 'New' photo?

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