No More Mister Local Shopper

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I am going to brew some beer this weekend. I decided that I would not order the ingredients and stuff that I need from my usual online retailer and instead support my local homebrew supply store. ("Local" can be a strange concept in L.A. - in this case local means a 20 minute drive from my office.)

I have bought from them before and, while homebrewing is not their sole focus, they have quite a bit of stuff. Last week I called them and ran down my ingredient list and they had all the grains and hops I needed. I didn't ask specifically about the yeast I wanted to use as I could tell the guy knew nothing about the product, but he did tell me that they had "lots of yeast."

Well, it turns out that they did have lots of yeast. Lots of packaged generic brewer's yeast. No thank you.

So tomorrow at lunch I have to drive even further to another brew supply shop to get the yeast I need for my beer. I realize that in the big scheme of things this doesn't really make much difference, but it's annoying nevertheless.

What a pain. In the future I will order my brewing supplies from my friendly online retailer.

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