It's Still Called "Mother's Day," Right?

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Public Service Announcement: Sunday is Mother's Day, for all you U.S. residents. Get a card in the mail or you're dooooooomed!

Rant: Sunday is Mother's Day. Mother's Day. It is not Grandmother's Day. It is not Great-Grandmother's Day. I have taken care of my mother for Mother's Day - she will be receiving a thoughtful card and some flowers. (Mom - if you read that, sorry for spoiling the surprise.)

Katy called me yesterday and asked me to pick up cards for the Two Grandmothers and One Great-Grandmother in the Extended Clan on the way home.

I tried to battle with her. I pointed out that "Grandparent's Day" isn't until September. (I did not express my belief that "Grandparent's Day" is a holiday manufactured by Hallmark to sell greeting cards. One fight at a time here, folks.) I mentioned that each of these women had children that would doubtless be honoring them on Mother's Day. I argued that Mother's Day celebrations should be a ladder, with children taking care of their mothers, who take care of their mothers, from the bottom of the ladder on up - and that you should jump generations only when a rung of that ladder is missing. I stated that in all my years I had never sent a Mother's Day card to my grandmother. My arguments were lucid, concise, and well presented.

I could imagine my wife's thoughts: "Yes, yes, fine - just pick up the cards."

And so I found myself buying Mother's Day cards for women that are related to me, but are not, in fact, my mother. I was torqued up enough that I ended up complaining to the cashier about it, getting a good "how quickly can I get rid of this crackpot" look in the process.

I really don't think I'm too far off-base on this one.

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mom said:

Yes, literally, you are probably accurate, but it
is probably better to err on the side of graciousness. I, of course am looking forward
to my card and I know that grandma will be
very pleased even if she doesn't say so or act
like it. Grin

Megshock said:

Is it really that painful to take advantage of an opportunity to let your mother's mother know you're thinking of her on a traditional holiday? Yes, technically she's not your mother, but if she wasn't your mother's mother than your wife wouldn't be the mother of your children because you wouldn't be around! Good grief.

Brad said:

1. If I hadn't been born then lots of things wouldn't have happened. You're circling close to a "post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy.

2. Good grief is right! Now you're getting in the spirit of things!

Me said:

Oh brother!

Brad said:

Oh Brother! Yes, yes, quite so.

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