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As I have lived my entire post-college life in the Los Angeles area, I've spent a lot of time on the freeways getting to and from work.

Today I tried something different - I took the train.

I'd like to tell you that the impetus for this change was some sensitivity to the environment, our nation's dependence on foreign oil supplies, or some other Noble Cause, but it just isn't true. I'm doing it for me.

Number one, it's cheaper. This is hard to believe because the Metrolink fares are pretty steep - but thanks to work subsidies, a round trip costs me $4. I figure I use around 2 1/2 gallons of gas a day driving, so as long as gas is over $1.50 a gallon I'm saving money just on the gas - not to mention the wear and tear on my 11 year old car.

Number two, I get the transit time back. I am reclaiming at least an hour a day. Maybe now I can catch up on my backlog of magazines and books.

I think this train thing is going to catch on.

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gesikah said:

That sounds pretty cool actually. I have always clung to this romantic view of transportation by train. I guess maybe it stems from all those "saying goodbye and then chasing after the train" scenes from all those old movies and such.

Brad said:

There is some mystique about riding a train. Sadly, the reality of the commuter train experience - at least in L.A. - is pretty sterile.

Anyway, the kids were pretty excited about the whole business. When I told them I was taking the train to work they both asked "Can we come with you?"

My reply: "Doesn't your mother wish."

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