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Tonight I started putting together my new PC.

Much was accomplished but I've still got a few things to do. Chief among these things is finding the jumper that I need to connect my CPU cooler to the power supply - and that was supposed to be included with the thing. I should have known not to buy a relabeled "this part was returned but it's just fine, really" fan from Fry's.

I'm pretty pleased though. Everything went together smoothly - mechanically speaking, at least - including the greatly-feared "spreading of the thermal compound onto the expensive but rather flimsy looking CPU with a butter knife." And since I can't turn it on until I have the CPU fan powered, I get to go to bed imagining that everything will work when I do get to that part.

I had another entry I wanted to make tonight but it's late and I'm tired. Perhaps tomorrow I'll get around to telling you Cameron's latest tale of woe.

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Dino said:

You are wise to not fire it up without the cooler. If I recall correctly the AMD parts don't have the built-in thermal protection that the Intel parts do.

As a result, they will happily fry themselves.

Good luck finding that one little 39 cent cable. :)

Brad said:

It seemed like a bad idea, turning it on without the massive heatsink/fan combo running. Plus it was pushing midnight - prime time for boneheaded mistakes.

As it turned out, Fry's was happy to let me get the missing part from another box. Tonight I got the new PC fired up, but that's a post for tomorrow night.

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This page contains a single entry by published on January 28, 2003 12:05 AM.

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