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Last night Katy and I spent a few hours wrapping presents for the kids. (This will undoubtedly make Christmas Eve a little more relaxing.) While we were wrapping we decided to watch a couple Christmas specials. Inbetween all the taping and cutting, I got to thinking about the way Santa is portrayed in the "Big Three" Rankin-Bass Christmas specials - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Comin' to Town, and The Year Without A Santa Claus.


I didn't realize that Santa was a bigot. However, he dismisses Rudolph in spite of the excellent performance the young buck puts on in the Reindeer Games - just because of his nose. He doesn't really change his tune until it's clear that he needs Rudolph. Santa is also a major crab in this one, dismissing the elves' new song with a wave of his hand and leaving Mrs. Claus to pick up the shattered pieces of the choirmaster's ego.

Santa Claus is Comin' to Town:

This one isn't quite so bad on the face of it. Santa just wants to get toys to the kids. However, did you notice that when he decides to cut back to one trip a year, he picks his anniversary night? Nice. And while we're discussing marital non-bliss, don't you find it interesting that Jessica doesn't speak a single word (and puts on a considerable amount of weight) after they get married? Is Jessica trapped in a loveless marriage, with Christmas cookies her only comfort? Sure looks that way.

The Year Without A Santa Claus:

Santa wants a year off from delivering presents in this one. Are you kidding me? The elves make the toys, and all he has to do is deliver them - he only works one day a year! Mrs. Claus, ever the supportive spouse, moves heaven and earth to get the big baby his day off and what does he do? He decides to work anyway. Ingrate.

(Yeah, things are a little slow at work this afternoon.)

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