Costume Manufacturing

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Had I mentioned Cameron's Halloween costume for this year?

Months ago, he said to Katy, "I want to be a Hot Wheels car for Halloween!" And so she started saving cardboard boxes, figuring she would make him a car that he could "wear" trick-or-treating. And what a car it turned out to be. It has working headlights (powered by tiny flashlights, with lens diffusers cut from a water jug), rear brake lights, a "CAMERON" California license plate (with a frame that reads "My Other Car is a Monster Truck," Cameron's other automotive obsession), a steering wheel, big back tires and small front tires with aluminum wheels, and dual exhaust pipes. The car hangs from straps around Cam's shoulders and hits him at about the waist, so when he walks around in it, making vrooming noises, it looks like he's driving. I am really impressed with Katy's work - she spent most of her free time last week measuring, scoring, and cutting cardboard, spray painting stuff, wrapping things in aluminum foil, and generally scrounging around for parts.

I need to borrow the digital camera from work so I can get some pictures of it for you all to see. Katy's mad x-acto knife skillz come shining through once again.

(Oh, and Cameron is pretty pleased with it too.)

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