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Ok, we seem to be getting back to normal around here. To cap off this week's pizza discussion, and show my giving nature, I offer you this fine pizza recipe of my own invention:

This is a sauceless, thin-crust pizza that doesn't use mozzarella cheese - that alone may offend purists, but I think it's pretty tasty. You'll need 5 or 6 Roma tomatoes, 1 onion, some garlic (I use 5 or 6 cloves, but YMMV), some sun-dried tomatoes (4 or 5 is plenty), fresh basil, pepper jack cheese, and a little olive oil - in addition to pizza dough (of course). Forgive me for not having exact times and measures here, this really is something that I made up.

Thinly slice the onion. Mince the garlic. Saute them together in olive oil over low heat until the onions are nice and soft. Set them aside to cool.

Cut the sun-dried tomatoes into small pieces. Cut the basil leaves into slivers - kitchen scissors are handy for this. Thinly slice the tomatoes - 1/4" or thinner is great. Grate as much cheese as you would like to have on your pizza.

Roll out the dough and put it on a baking pan. Arrange the tomato slices on the dough in a single layer, then cover with the cheese. Sprinkle the onion and garlic mixture, sun-dried tomatoes, and basil on top. Put the pizza in an oven preheated to 500 degrees F for 20-25 minutes, or until the cheese is starting to brown a little.


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