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Warning: Not in the mood for "kids do the darndest things" stories? You should probably come back tomorrow.

Cameron said and did some pretty funny stuff this weekend.

After much belt-pulling, tethering, and point-loading we managed to get Cameron's new booster seat installed in the car Saturday evening. He was pretty excited about going for a ride in it on Sunday. He told us "It's going to be pretty hot tomorrow. I'd better bring some water."

He wanted very badly to use the cupholder on his new seat.

We were looking for a good hot-weather family activity today (100-plus to start September, how do you like that?) and settled on bowling. The kids enjoy it and Katy and I both like "gutterless" bowling on the kids' lanes.

At one point Cameron decided he wanted to try a shot again and started down the lane after his ball. Poor guy - it really was a classic cartoon-style slipped-on-a-banana-peel stunt. He was flat on his back before I could even warn him that they oil the lanes.

(To think that some people say physical comedy is dead. It took all my strength not to laugh.)

Anyway, he wasn't hurt but it did surprise him, and he was pretty upset initially. Katy took him to walk around for a bit to settle him down. After he had calmed down, he told her "It's really slippery there, Mom. You can't go there!"

The bonus for Cam: While he was gone, I picked up the spare for him.

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