Taken, Out at a Ball Game

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While I was at the movies, the 2002 MLB All-Star Game was being played in Milwaukee, Wisconson.

Apparently "back in the day" there was a lot of healthy competition between leagues at the All-Star Game, and managers played to win. But nowadays, for better or worse, it seems to have turned into "an exhibition, not a competition." As such, the managers seem mainly interested in getting everybody on their rosters into the game for an inning or two. I don't have a problem with that.

However, this need to get everybody some work backfired last night, when the game was tied 7-7 after 11 innings. Both managers were out of pitchers! Oops. Commissioner Bud, current Scourge of Baseball, decided unilaterally to call the game. Nice move, bonehead.

Here's the thing - I understand that Freddie Garcia (the American League pitcher when the game was called) has Real Games to pitch soon, games that may affect his team's chance of making the playoffs. But this is baseball - there aren't ties in baseball. You play until somebody wins. There were two better choices, as I see it:

1. Both pitchers just start grooving batting practice fastballs down the middle. Nice slow easy ones. Somebody will score.

2. Move the pitcher out to right field, and let the position players take turns pitching.

I tend to favor number 2. It would be fun to watch - as in madcap knuckle-curve fun, not 103 mph fastball fun - and likely would lead to some quick scoring. It would have turned the 2002 All Star Game into an Official Baseball Memory, one of those "do you remember" stories people would talk about when they got all reminiscent about baseball. (It's hard to believe this actually happens, but it does.) As it stands, Bud Selig has another black eye, and people will remember the game - but not in a good way.

According to ESPN.com, Commissioner Bud vowed Wednesday to make changes to the All-Star game to avoid ties. Umm, Bud - how about letting them play until somebody's ahead?

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