Busy Weekend

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It's been a busy weekend. I'm pooped.

Tonight we had some people over for dinner - three other couples, all with twins within a few months of Cameron and Claire's age. Eight three year olds do a pretty credible tornado impersonation, let me tell you. You'd be pooped too.

Other thoughts from the weekend:

I was looking through the sports page of the paper on Saturday morning and noticed a story about the previous day's Tour de France stage. It was considered a "sprint stage," you know, because it was mostly flat, so people just sprinted through it. La ti da, ho de do, spin spin spin. Umm - excuse me - the stage was almost 124 miles long. A sprint? Are you kidding me? I mean, I thought a long sprint was 400 meters. The winner averaged a little under 28 mph for almost 4 1/2 hours. Sounds like a typical Los Angeles commute to me - in a car.

I realize that cycling will never be a popular sport in the US - bicycles are viewed as a means of transportation for kids, fitness wackos in spandex, and the occasional homeless person with 5 trash bags full of aluminum cans - but the guys that ride this race are in unbelieveable shape. The things they do are hard for me to comprehend. They ride 2000 miles over the course of the race - that's a nice family vacation - in a car. I follow the Tour every year just because I can hardly believe these guys can really do what they do.

In the Good Things Come to Those Who Wait category, I was in Trader Joe's today and found the beloved Spaten Optimator (see Friday's entry) for a mere $5.99 a six-pack. Granted, we're pushing in to the dog days of summer, and dark beer is probably the furthest thing from your mind - but it has been cooling off a bit in the evenings. A bottle of that would go down real nice on the patio after the kids are in bed...

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