
Sunday morning I was up early again, while Lazy Doug slept the morning away. I worked on getting things packed up and prepped for the ride home until he got up, and we enjoyed bacon and bagels as part of our farewell breakfast. (You may have noticed that bacon played an important role in many meals this weekend.)

After breakfast, I went to get a few last casts worth of fishing in while Doug worked around the campsite. I caught a few more trout, Doug packed the car, I came back, and we finished breaking camp. We thought it was around noon at this point, and I drove over to the Cedar Grove General Store to get Claire and Cameron a little souvenir before we left.

The day before we had been in the store and I noticed one of those penny-pressing machines. The kids are always fascinated by them - probably because of the big gears - and so I thought I'd make a couple for them before we left.

As I am walking up to the door, however, I notice a sign saying CLOSED FOR THE SEASON and a man locking the door. I ask nicely if I may use the penny press - located a whopping two feet from where we are standing. The reply "We are closed for the season!" I point out that it will only take a minute, if that long. "We are closed!" I start to plead a little: "Come on." This is apparently quite persuasive as he rolls his eyes and unlocks the door. Big Sigh "Ok, hurry up."

I do just that, and hop into the car, defaced currency in hand, shaking my head at the friendliness of government concessionaires.

The drive home was pretty uneventful. However, when we arrived at Chez Williams we discovered that Doug's watch - and therefore my watch, as I set it to his - were a good 45 minutes slow. No wonder it had been getting dark so early!

Anyway, that's about that. Hope you enjoyed the tales.

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