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The other night we were watching the Olympics when we heard what sounded like somebody kicking our front door, once, fairly hard. We checked it out but found nothing.

The next morning, Katy found what had made the noise. A bottle of my homebrew had exploded. Turns out that three bottles had cooked off in the hall closet - luckily the cardboard box they were in soaked up most of the beer. Still, I suspect the entry hall closet will smell like a frat house for a while.

I figured the weak point on a bottle would be the cap. Not so:

Weapons of Mass Consumption


I had another 12 bottles from this batch and suddenly I wasn't too keen on keeping them around. I put together a short clip of what happened when I went to pour them out:

Overpriming Is Bad


What's overpriming?

When you bottle beer, you prime it by adding a little sugar for the yeast to convert. Since the bottle is sealed, the resulting CO2 cannot escape and gets forced into solution, thus carbonating the beer.

I may have added a bit too much this time.

My own title for this post would be something like this:

"Why you shouldn't use a pound of honey to prime five gallons of beer..."

Upon realizing that we had forgotten to buy priming sugar on an evening we planned on bottling a chocolate porter we found out that we could use honey. Somehow though, the suggested one cup of honey turned into one pound of honey. To say the least, we've had similar eruptions in our sink and a few bottles have cooked off on their own.

Did you make meade?

A pound of honey? Holy crap!

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